Learn Persian Music

Through phrasing and timing templates 

by Negar Bouban 

Starts: Saturday, February 11, 7:30 PM Germany time

 (1:30 PM EST / 10:30 AM PST )

A creative, Learner-Centered course via Templates

 To learn Persian Dastgah music, also commonly known as Persian traditional or Classical music, learners are usually referred to a repertoire called ‘Radif’: a huge collection of mostly free-rhythm melodies, codified in Dastgah-s, which takes years to go through. 

Nevertheless, there are underlying common structural timing and phrasing patterns, that shape those melodies. We call such patterns Templates. 

Learning the Templates, listening to and trying out various versions of them in different Dastgah-s, is the approach we take in this course; an approach that can help a better and deeper understanding of different aspects of Persian Dastgah Music.

 Who is the course for?

 Professional or amateur musicians with a background in any music genre, interested in Persian music, Learners of Persian instruments, or singing, who can perform at least simple melodies. 

The course is NOT demanding high-performance skills in any genre of music, but it is ESSENTIAL to get active and try playing or singing samples for the templates presented.

 Every course will consist of four sessions of one-hour duration.

Upcoming Course

Three Courses on Persian Dastgah Music 


With Negar Bouban, we have been presenting these three courses as group lessons, on Persian Dastgah music, starting from an introductory level in the first to an interactive and more comprehensive level in the third one: 


 A course as a guide to get inside Persian Music In 12 sessions, over 12 weeks, as an introductory course to familiarise with everything important in Persian music; covering: prominent musicians, musical instruments, albums and concert contents, must-listen masterpieces, and a touch of history. Helpful for learners of Persian music and those in search of better orientation when exposed to Persian music culture. 


A course on Dastgah Concept and its Structure in Persian Music In 12 sessions, over 12 weeks, as a secondary course to understand what different Dastgah contents are and how they sound, as a first step to forming patterns of modal content of each, based on which, people recognize Dastgah-s.


Through Phrasing and Timing Templates 

An interactive ongoing series of courses around the year, in four-week rounds, for participants who want to actively learn to make music with what is introduced and practiced as phrasing and timing templates in Persian Dastgah music. To make the best of this course, participants should try to get active and make music, although not necessarily at any performing level, by playing an instrument or singing.

Annual Learning Plan